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The Digital Carbon Bank platform works for a variety of decarbonization solutions and can issue distinctive carbon credits as traceable tokens. Companies from any of the following sectors can purchase and sell tokens. The tokens are verified and quantified using the latest technologies and have unique metadata so buyers can purchase verified credits tied to the solution that best suits them.

Industrial Decarbonization


Technologies include Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), and Direct Air Capture (DAC). These solutions rely on the geological storage of CO2 for large-scale carbon removal and will play a significant role in clean energy transitions. CO2 must be quantified and effectively monitored to verify permanent storage. Other technologies for decarbonization include the development of renewable power, energy efficiency improvements and emissions reduction projects.

Industrial emissions

Enhanced Natural Processes

Modern farming methods can increase the carbon content in the soil by approaching land management differently. For example, biochar, or charcoal produced from biomass, can be added to the soil where CO2 can be stored for hundreds or thousands of years. Another approach is to include enhanced weathering to accelerate the natural processes that absorb CO2.


Nature-Based Solutions

Afforestation, or growing forests where there weren't any before, and reforestation, re-establishing a previously existing forest are nature-based solutions for decarbonization. Other solutions include restoring coastal and marine habitats so they continue to draw CO2 from the surrounding areas.

Copyright 2023 Digital Carbon Bank Corp.

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